Friday, November 02, 2007


I can't believe my ho and i left at 8.30pm today, after spending the whole day doing changes non-stop.
For Uro, this is bordering on unbelievable... I think my ho very funny, he felt so bad that i had to stay till so late that he treated me to a drink, little did he know that in med sip, 8.30 is considered the usual time lo.

i think i'm even more tired in surg sip than in med, even though my patient load now is 1/4 of then.
Most probably this is because surg is team based so instead of just walking the same 10m in just a small section of the same ward in medicine, we need to go all over the hospital now as all our patients are spread all over the place.
And also because, surg rounds is like the fast forwarded version of med rounds. My walking speed must increase x 10 lor.
So with increased velocity and longer distances to cover and possibly a larger mass, my work done and energy expended increases by 10 x 10 times.. so i'm 100x more tired.
Or smth like that lar.

I miss med sip.

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