Saturday, August 20, 2005

Europe ~Part Five

"Doe a deer a female deer..." We started off the day with ZH, P, SM and i serenading the whole tour bus with our rendition of all the Sound of Music songs. Because today we're going to Austria and the Sound of Music filming location.

The Austrian Alps were a sight to behold. It really inspired in me an urge to burst into song. And i did. When we stopped at a pit stop, looking at the majestic Alps with their snow covered tops, I burst into a heart-wrenching, spine-tingling, chills-inducing "Thhhheeee hills are alliiive, with the sound of muuuusic....", but sadly only an unfortunate passerby and a totally unappreciative wk heard.

In the morning, they all did their usual morning ritual of telling me to keep my mouth shut about the weather, so i got rather annoyed. And in a pique of angst, i said "I want to see.. to see SNOW!!!" And i laughed because it was so simply ridiculous. But apparently the heavens thought it was funny too so they played a cruel joke on me. It snowed. In the middle of summer. When the tour guide told us to wear light clothing. So who bore the brunt of the eveil joke? Us skirt girls. P, ZH and I were practically running and squealing whenever we were outdoors. Of course it was fun and i was really ecstatic to see snow for the first time but let me tell you it was no fun having frostbite on my butt. And it was also no fun having my friends view me as some freaky wicked weather witch. "Be afraid my friends, be very afraid" Ha sorry couldn't resist.

[The bad thing about blogging this SO LONG after the actual trip was that i couldn't remember the names of the places we visited. And i can't find my iternary. So since it's you guys who kept insisting that i blog abt europe pls help me out here. Meanwhile, this lousy cheaterbug entry is to ward off all your pesky requests.]

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