Saturday, May 08, 2010

Why I wish I were a guy at my workplace

Sometimes being a female really sucks at my workplace because of the number
of requests you get And if you're the only female on duty, you can really drown in the workload buried under wave after wave of feminine angst... It never fails to depress the heck out of me whenever I see my whole queue of only females.

1) you have to see ALL, if not most, of the br**sts and va**nas that want to
be examined that day
- these always take thrice the amt of time you usu take because of all the hemming and hawing and the getting to the bed and undressing

2) fact: females talk more than males.

3) generalisation but most of the time true: females tend to be more highly strung and more difficult to pacify and reassure than men (I'm sure my esteemed O&G colleagues will agree)

4) females tend to come in with more than 1 problem, in fact working where I am now, they always come in with at least 3 issues.

Number 1+2+3+4 or any of the above combination make for very LONG and frustrating consults.

And there are also some v weird reasons why you get requested:

5) There is a common and worrying misconception that females are kinder and gentler and thus make better listeners. I AM SERIOUS. People have actually said this to my face before, during which I would valiantly try to defend my male counterparts "No they are all very good and kind one!" I exclaimed while the
listener stare disbelievingly at me.

6) strange old men walk into your room and say that they are "very happy to see you" even though you've never seen them before

7) strange old men walk into your room and complain abt bizaare genitalia
related problems.

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