Saturday, April 30, 2005

Unwelcome blogders

I wanted to blog a nice, happy, funny post about my first week in clinics but something happened that totally killed my mood. And I realized that while other people used their blogs as a dumping ground for all their complaints, mine has been pretty much whine-free, so I decided to do a bit of ranting.

To Priya, Shimin, Wenkai and Zhihui (note alphabetical order), you guys are my absolute favourite blogders. I was always very touched whenever any of you told me your thoughts on my latest entries just one or two days after I post them. There was a tear in my eye when you told me you check my blog daily and I almost burst into sobs when you guys told me you like my blog. Which is why my new blog title is inspired by and in honour of you guys. Love ya!

To those of you who found out either from my own mouth or someone else’s that I have a blog and actually bothered to write down my address and read my blog from time to time, thank you, you guys are the best!

To those of you who chanced upon my blog via the few links that I have and then told me about it, thank you! I appreciate your comments greatly.

This might be wishful thinking on my part but I think there might be some of you who do not know me personally or have no idea who the hell I am but still continued reading my blog, thank you! But I’d be really really happy if you can leave me a tag on my tagboard. I took great pains in learning how to set it up and considering the fact that I’m a technology nincompoop these pains were humongous. (Which reminds me, Hagrid, if you’re ever reading this, can you pls teach me how to link you up again? Heh, sorry!)

To those of you who are my friends, be it long lost or current, and have been reading my blog without my knowledge, well, I find your behaviour abit odd honestly. There is no reason why you should do this behind my back. Is it really that shameful, reading my lovely blog? I felt as though I’ve been spied upon when I found out about you.

And to those of you who know me personally and have been reading my blog without my knowledge AND instead of informing me that you read my blog, morphed into a tattletale and REPORTS my boring life to other people like I’m a one-woman channel 8 drama, how about getting yourself a life?

I’ve always enjoyed blogging because I always picture my readers’ reactions to my entries as I write them. This is when I thought I knew who my readers were. And now I found out that there are some STUPID ridiculous people who are secretly reading my blog and doing God-knows-what with the information they obtained here. My friends, perhaps you should be mentally prepared for the day one of my blog entries became a drama serial plot. Also, please remind me not to write about my illegal and shameful dealings here as I don’t want to end up in jail.

1 comment:

zgalaxyz said...

now then u know the dangers of blogging... :P zhihui here btw... haha