Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Exciting day in psych... NOT

Someone announced to all of us n*h peeps (or at least those who bothered to turn up for psych tut) that she was given a ‘good’ look-and-proceed case (Explanation: In our clinical exam, one of our cases may involve our examiner telling us to ‘look’ and ‘proceed to examine whatever we might think is necessary’)
She went to the patient’s bed, and gasp! to her horror, she found herself face to face with xxx (a certain local B-list actor, who used to be quite big.. oops! I mean, popular -_-“, and whom many might say is good-looking)!!!!

Immediately, the whole class asked as one, “huh?! Why isn’t he in private?”
“Maybe now no more money!”, we all sniggered.
“Hmmm I wonder what is he here for?!”
Someone said excitedly, “maybe it’s a herniarrhaphy!”
Hiak hiak hiak –evil laughter-

[Explanation: a hernia is an outpouching of intestinal contents through a defect in the abdominal wall, most commonly in the groin. In this case, they commonly present as scrotal swellings. For us unfortunate medical students, and the even more unfortunate patients, this is a MUST SEE MUST KNOW case, because it will confirm plus 100% guarantee come out for MBBS. So everytime we hear news of a hernia in the wards, we’ll all swoop down upon the patient like gloved vultures.]

Anyway, no I didn’t find out what was his actual diagnosis because.. please do you all think I’m the ba-gua gossipy type who will go find out this kind of inconsequential news???!!

Ok ok, so I fooled no one with my ridiculous spiel…..
I went to the bed but realized I was given the wrong bed number (an old Hokkien speaking auntie was in that bed), but no worries, I’ll ask the guys tmrw.

[Hint: this actor have acted in both English and Chinese dramas, and also strangely a lot of my non-Chinese friends claim to like him.]

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