Friday, September 21, 2007

Low mood

I've been having a bit of low mood for this past week, and Id isn't exactly a mood lifter either.

I really, really hate it at cdc. It's sooooooooo ulu, and the 15minute mad dash every morn from the train station to my ward is very, very irritating indeed. I got assigned to the hiv ward and it is right at the other end of the main entrance of cdc. A good 5min walk in the hot sun from the entrance to my ward lor.
For those of you who don't know, cdc is basically just run-down one storey houses in a very, very, very large park. It's so large, the doctors drive from one ward to another.
The others seem to think that the chirping birds and the swaying trees have a soothing effect, I find it all rather depressing. I mean, if I were a patient here, I'd feel as though I've been relegated to some ulu area which civilisation has forgotten. Although i must say that smth in the air there just makes you feel very sleepy, and everything just seems to happen slooowwwly. Ward rounds have never been boring-er.
Everyday, we have a 4hr break between end of ward rounds and tutorial time. [Rounds end at 10, and we only have 10patients. Per ward.]

On the first day, we spent 1hr poring over the super thick file of notes on our patients then took a long leisurely walk to pek kio for the prawn mee (honestly, the only good thing abt being posted here). On our way there, we ran into the other cg who's also at cdc, and they were coming BACK from lunch. This was at 11.40am btw. We then had a very long leisurely more than one hour lunch and slowly walked back. Of course, on reaching the ward, we all rushed into the mo room, which is so tiny it has only standing room for 8 people max, but it has the one thing we crave most: air con.

On the second day, we drove to Founder bak kut teh, which has quite good food and you can admire the many, many photos of famous stars on the walls [got some eye candy like Toro and others i used to like but forgot their names now liao]. After lunch we realised to our disgust we still had TWO more hours to kill. But this time we were smart enuf to use the tutorial room which was a tiny room that contained a long oval table but at least had enough chairs for everyone. And within 5minutes, we all started to drop to the table like flies. But even after a nap, we still had 1hour to kill. C couldn't take it anymore and wanted to actually walk all the way to pek kio for a drink. He got as far as the vending machine at the main entrance and decided to give up on his ridiculous quest.

On the third day, i seriously wanted to pon cts so tat i can go home at 10am. But then due to some miscommunication, when four of us were supposed to volunteer for clinics, and we were all silent, our tutor thought the silence was because we ALL wanted to go for clinics so he very 'kindly' offered to take all of us in his clinic, which resulted in me sitting officially the most useless and boring clinic of my life. In fact, we were all nodding off, the only person who wasn't, was the guy who had to stand.

On the last day, I was crossing all my digits and hoping against hope that he wouldn't give us tut that afternoon, but lo and behold, he told us that he could let us see the blue letter patients that afternoon, at TWO! I then collapsed into the nearest chair and as usual everyone else made a beeline for the mo room. When I entered 2minutes later, i realised that EVERYBODY planned to go home, leaving me feeling very abandoned. As we were all walking towards the car park, with white coats off and carrying our bags, we heard a car behind us, and of course it had to be our tutor.
Anyway i left also, and luckily Catechol could give me a lift back.. otherwise, i would be VERY VERYVERYVERYVERYVERY displeased with the way things turned out:
I was the first one back in the mo room at 1.40pm, then one by one everyone trickled in (one didn't make it back tho), we started making jokes abt how scar-ly the tutor sud says that he can't take us for tut. And somebody says "scar-ly he only has one case and he's only seeing the case at 4pm". Funny thing is, we all thought this was funny.

When we met up with the tutor, the first thing he said was "there is only one blue letter today, and I'm seeing him later." We all looked at each other with helpless looks on our faces. I saw Wk look worriedly at me, cos earlier I had said that I would strangle him with my bare hands if smth like that were to happen. But he was nice enuf to give us a one hour didactic make-up tutorial.

Still, I wouldn't have come back if i had known.

I hope nuh will be more exciting.

P.S I'm going to cgh for ortho. Tell me, how am i going to get out of my low mood like that.....

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