Saturday, May 12, 2007

my hk trip

I don't usually like to blog about my holidays and trips cos i don't want to end up like those i-did-this-today-and-i-did-that-yesterday-yawn blogs, no, i much rather prefer bitching abt how boring my life is instead, but i decided that my hk trip is really just too funny a blogging opportunity to pass by.
After my successful free-and-easy Taiwan trip, Catechol and I kinda got bitten by the free & easy travel bug. Initially, we wanted to go Japan. And i actually planned out quite a comprehensive and feasible 6day5night itinary but alas, at the very last minute (literally. Because i changed my mind just as i was abt to click on the 'book now' button) i got seized by guilt abt ponning 1 week of elective so we compromised by deciding to go hk over the weekend instead.
After a solemn reflection upon my holiday (can anyone tell me what's that term you use for analysing an activity after it has taken place. Usually used after a fire drill or a camp. It has been bugging me for the past 15minutes but i just can't recall that particular word), i've come up with a list of assumptions that resulted in my holiday deviating away from ideal behaviour (sorry i spent alot of time drilling into my tutee the ideal gas assumptions just now, some of the terminology stuck.)

1)Since hk is such a developed country, the people should understand and speak good English. Even if they don't, they should understand chinese, which is quite similar to Cantonese what. [Wrong! EVERYBODY speaks Cantonese!! And only 3 out of 10 people understand Chinese. I didn't bother with English.]
2)Because i have managed to get by in the wards with my broken Cantonese, i thought i would be able to communicate the bare essentials with the locals. (somehow, even though i understand Cantonese perfectly, everytime i try to speak the language, i just can't help but speak in a mixture of Cantonese plus Hokkien. It's very disturbing, i think i have ?expressive aphasia). [DUH! Of course the locals won't be able to understand Hokkien!] Also, Catechol is no help, at all!!!
3)Even though I am terribly unfit, I would magically be able to walk long distances without resting when sightseeing.
4)I would be able to finish visiting the major tourist attractions of hk in 2 days and 2 nights. [Major oversight on my part. Also my bad habit of always underestimating the time taken to travel from A to B played a role here.]

Stay tuned for our misadventures in hk.

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