Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ode To Ho

Ho Ho Ho!!
You're such a hoe!
Why you torment us so?
And only like Le***rd Loh?

The day Ho remembers our names will be the day i fall at her feet and kiss her smelly feet. There are just so many many grievances we have about her that i don't even know where to begin. So i guess i have to start at the very beginning. (cue Sound of Music soundtrack)

After weeks of reminding her that the four of us are her 'permanent' group, she still thought that we're supposed to follow her team. The following instances were how she managed successfully to cause hematemesis in us (cause us to vomit blood):

a) The first time we did night call with her she thought L was in our team because L was at that time supposed to follow team 1.
b) A week after her night call, she asked Greg (when he approached her to ask her abt the write up) whether we want to follow her for night call. Her exact words were "how come you all not interested in following our team's night call? The last group of students who followed me saw a severe case of IO you know. Got feculent aspirate some more." (I'm sure you my readers, whose memories are better than her, would recall that we indeed are the "last group of students" she's referring to. AND she actually unabashedly said, "huh? it's you all meh? How come you look different?"
Like what the????????!!!!!!!!!! I wonder how Le***rd stands her. (Wk pls get him to read this entry)
c) I could count at least on three separate occasions where we told her we'd follow her for night calls that morning only to find out that evening that she changed her call last minute so we all stayed back for nothing.
d) Finally when we finally managed to stay for one of the calls (this was in the 7th week), she said to WK and i, "you all following me for call ah? How come you never go for ward round this morning?" I immediately did an about-turn into 11a to restrain myself from kicking her and slapping her silly.
So we followed her for the evening round but she didn't teach us anything so she told us to meet her at 10pm for the tutorial. (We then whiled our time wandering aimlessly around United Square) We were back at the wards punctually at 11b at 10pm with the group currently following team 1. She came in happily at 10.10pm, told us to see this interesting hernia case at 11c. She said, "Ask a few impt questions and i'd be there in a FEW minutes."
We went. We took the most comprehensive history for hernia, we stood around feeling awkward waiting for Ho to appear and then decided to let the patient rest by waiting outside. At 11.15pm, the other group decided to go off first. But us poor things who are her students can't afford to not be loyal to her so we waited and waited and waited. At 11.30pm,we found out that she's in ot. When wk n cris went to confront her, her exact words were "huh? how come you all still here? why stay till so late?"
And don't let me get started on the test.

Which i won't because i'm typing this at 6.30pm and at 10.00pm we have to see her for night call. Yes, ON a saturday, AFTER our test. So if i were to blog abt the test now, i really dunno what i'd do to her ltr. Already i'm feeling pretty violent now. I shall go take it out on my bolster.

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